Hello and welcome to my website. I’m glad you’re here. My name is Mark and I am an experienced counsellor and psychotherapist, drawing on many years of international work and clinical practice. I respond to a broad spectrum of difficulties, including depression, anxiety, relationship problems and burnout, as well as more severe and enduring mental illnesses. I have particular expertise in psychological trauma and have supported many clients through the aftermath of overwhelming events, both in the UK and overseas. Other key areas of experience include workplace stress and addiction.
I have been fortunate to work with a great diversity of clients from a range of social, cultural, ethnic and faith groups. I also have long experience of supporting expatriates, including aid workers, missionaries, journalists, medics, diplomats and military personnel.
In order to maintain the highest possible levels of competence and care, I regularly undertake personal supervision and continuing professional development. I carry personal indemnity insurance and hold a full DBS clearance certificate. I am also a registered provider with a number of insurance companies.

Other work and background
I worked for seven years at InterHealth Worldwide, an international health charity provided medical and psychological support to aid agencies, mission organisations and some government departments. I also spent nearly two years working part-time in a National Health Service (NHS) trauma service in London, where my clients were mainly refugees, war veterans and survivors of torture and sexual violence. As part of my foundational clinical training, I spent three years at an adult psychotherapy service in the NHS, supporting inner-city clients with complex mental health needs.
I have spent much of my life living and working abroad. Prior to training as a therapist, I was an international delegate of the British Red Cross Society, completing a number of short- and long-term assignments in areas of armed conflict and natural disaster in Africa, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. I grew up in Kenya, Germany and the UK and began my career in the early 1990s as a news agency correspondent in the Far East.
My personal sense of meaning, purpose and motivation are grounded in Christian faith and I am particularly interested in the interface between psychology and theology. I am also bound by theĀ code of ethics of the BACP. As such, I am committed to maintaining the highest possible standards of trustworthiness, respect, integrity and diligence.